Causes of Thyroid Disorders


Thyroid disorders are broadly categorized into two types – hyperthyroid (increased thyroid production) or hypothyroid (decreased thyroid production). There can be various causes of thyroid disorders. Hypothyroidism can be caused by Thyroiditis – inflammation of the thyroid gland, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis – This is a painless disease of the immune system that is hereditary, Postpartum thyroiditis is a temporary condition and occurs in 5 percent to 9 percent of women after giving birth, Iodine deficiency – Earlier iodine deficiency was a major cause of concern leading to hypothyroidism. Now, because of ingestion of iodized salt, this is a negligible cause for hypothyroid.

 A non-functioning thyroid gland affects one in 4,000 newborns. If the problem isn’t corrected, the child will be physically and mentally retarded. Family history of hypothyroid – Thyroid problems have a genetic factor, so an aunt, mother, and great-uncle were all hypothyroid, next it increases chances of the same in the generation. Radiation and x-rays are known to cause damage to the thyroid, so throat should be covered when administering x-rays. Certain vegetables from the Brassica family: kale, broccoli, spinach, cabbage, cauliflower, and mustard (the greens and the seeds or condiment), Soy, wintergreen, turnips and walnuts have been shown to play a role in low thyroid levels.

 There is some evidence that injury to the neck, back and throat can have an impact on thyroid health. These injuries can be car accident and/or whiplash, sports-related accidents (riding, skiing, etc.), dental braces, bad chiropractic adjustment, surgery Stress is a factor in almost every type of disease, and it can affect the thyroid – especially if one or more of the above risk factors is already present. The causes for hyperthyroidism are Graves’ disease in which the entire thyroid gland might be overactive and produce too much hormone. Individual Nodules might be overactive within the thyroid. A single nodule is called toxic autonomously functioning thyroid nodule, while several nodules are called a toxic multi-nodular goiter.

 Thyroiditis, a disorder that can be painful or painless, can also release hormones that was stored in the thyroid gland causing hyperthyroidism for a few weeks or months. The painless variety occurs most frequently in women after childbirth. Excessive iodine found in a number of drugs such as Amiodarone, Lugol’s solution (iodine), and some cough syrups, might cause the thyroid to produce either too much or too little hormone in some individuals.

 Ask from medical experts at for treatment and symptoms of thyroid disorders..


Source by Vinay Gupta