Discovering Paraben Free Products


The growing number of paraben free products on the market has many consumers asking questions. What is this ingredient, anyway? That’s a question we hear frequently and hope to answer here.

What is Paraben?

Parabens are actually a group of synthetic chemical compounds that are widely used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. They are created by combining alcohol with Para-hydroxybenzoic acid.

The type of alcohol used in the compound may be methyl, ethyl, propyl or butyl. When listed as an ingredient, the terms methyl-paraben, ethyl-paraben, propyl-paraben or butyl-paraben are used to denote the type of alcohol in the formulation.

Paraben free products should include another type of preservative, preferably grape seed extract or natural vitamin E, to insure that there will be no bacterial or fungal growth as the bottle is shipped and stored.

What is Paraben Suspected of Causing?

Parabens are suspected of causing a wide range of health problems, which is why there are more and more of these products on the market. Scientists debate the issues, but consumers concerned about protecting their overall health and well-being simply avoid the chemicals, since there are safe and effective alternatives.

The major public health concern is that parabens have estrogenic activity. In large amounts, they can affect the natural level of circulating hormones and since the synthetic chemicals are present in so many different consumer products, the risk and rate of exposure can be very high.

The amounts of parabens that may be present in products manufactured within the European Union are restricted. The United States, on the other hand, has no such regulation. It is not unusual to see four different parabens listed as ingredients in lotions and creams manufactured in the US. All of the major cosmetic companies rely solely on synthetic parabens to preserve the ingredients and promote the shelf life of a product.

One of the basic premises of healthful skincare is to avoid compounds that can cause allergic reactions, irritation or an increased risk of future health problems. So, companies that provide safe and healthy skincare do not use parabens.

What is Paraben Allergy?

A significant proportion of the population (2-3%) are allergic to parabens; another reason that you see paraben free products on the market. The symptoms of paraben-allergy are typically redness and itching or dermatitis.

I have read many consumers’ product reviews for lotions and creams. Whenever an adverse reaction is mentioned, one of the parabens is listed as an ingredient. Of course, cosmetic companies use a variety of known allergens and skin irritants, so it could be a different compound that caused the reaction. But, artificial preservatives, in general, are the number one cause of allergic reactions.

What is Paraben “Good” For?

Nothing, really. There is no “good” reason to use them. There are safer alternatives that actually provide additional health benefits.

For example, paraben free products that contain grape seed oil are effective skin antioxidants, proven to prevent and reverse free radical damage. The best skincare solutions on the market contain a variety of effective antioxidants and “zero” parabens. That’s something to look for.


Source by Laurel Levine