Free Hydrogen Fuel Cell Plans For Everyone!


Why would anyone need to make their own hydrogen generator to produce HHO gas? And what exactly is HHO gas…is it oxygen and hydrogen or something else?

HHO is actually made when you apply a small current of electricity thru water. This is often known as electrolysis and creates a gas that can burn quite efficiently, and is simple and cheap to do.

My neighbor made his very own hydrogen oxygen mix and then injected it into his automobile with the gas he already uses and seriously increased his fuel mileage. That was seven years ago!

HHO is 2 bonded oxygen atom in the presence of an oxygen atom and will mix with the atomized fuel you using your car to make that fuel have a larger surface area and so will combust more completely skyrocketing gas mileage.
It only takes a few hours and thousands of people all across the world have done it and are reporting dazzling gas mileage increases.

Imagine, taking standard tap water and creating a burnable gas out of it with nothing more than the voltage from your battery and some parts form the hardware store…and it has been proved to work by the FTC, who originally set out to prove otherwise.

Oxygen Hydrogen, who knew? Actually, this has been around for almost a hundred years and in vehicles all around the world for over thirty years, long before the last gas crisis, which I am sure is due to make a come back real shortly.
amid growing worries about the negative environmental impact cars had in the world, alternative and clean fuel technologies became increasingly critical.
This has led vehicle makers to develop cross-breed gas-electric systems that have become extremely popular in the U. S. and abroad. Some innovative automakers are taking this idea a step further, researching zero emission clean fuel technologies such as hydrogen fuel cells. Fuel cell vehicles mix high pressure hydrogen gas with oxygen from the air in a chemical process that produces electricity.

The electricity is then stored in the fuel cells and is used to power an electrical motor. Due to its potency and cleanliness, hydrogen fuel cell technology has been heralded as the answer for zero-emission transport.
While this could appear like a high tech concept, Honda Motor Company is close to making it a reality with the limited release of the FCX clearness in regions of southern California. Approximately 200 of these cars will be leased to customers for three year terms at $600 a month, which includes all maintenance for the car. Initial research has proven that the automobile experiences much less damage than the standard internal combustion gas engine. This will end in both low fuel and maintenance costs for customers.
In order to make hydrogen fuel cell technology reasonable worldwide , further development of inexpensive parts, manufacturing processes, and fueling stations is necessary. The cost of materials and production of the fuel cells needed to power the vehicles raises the retail price to a point that is out of reach for a majority of patrons. Also, public refueling stations are absurdly expensive to produce and maintain.
it is critical for many zero-emission technologies to become viable in the very near future to preserve our car culture.
Why not get your own vehicle running on hydrogen – you can build your own hydrogen fuel cell at home from each day items and save over thirty percent on your fuel bill.
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Source by Brooks Cantu