The Illuminati Secret Society, Its Origin and Control


The Illuminati is a name that nowadays is used to talk of several groups characterized by secrecy, all groups working together, having one single goal, because of having one  and the same god. Historically however, it refers specifically to the Bavarian Illuminati, founded on May 1 of 1776, a secret society of people who believed to be enlighten, by this same so called “god” who in the Bible is called Lucifer, who gave them knowledge occult from the masses which they all use for the ultimate goal of global domination through a New World Order under Lucifer as god and their first and main rule is “Do not talk about Illuminati”. There is much proof that the Illuminati, referring to all these different secret societies, has been behind both World Wars plus the one coming up, as well as many other tragedies around the world, all that may had been necessary for them to come to World Domination, following their motto “Ordo ab Chao” (Order out of Chaos), which I’ll point out later.

Adam Weishaupt

Adam Weishaupt is the man who is recorded as coming up with the name of this secret society which would come to involve all Luciferian societies, even dating back thousands of years ago, all to keep the plan of their ancestors alive ever since Nimrod(One World Government), the first human to be king of the world.

Illuminati Pyramid

The Illuminati was created in Columbia Bavaria, England, but the symbol they used as their logo seems to come from Egypt and it holds a very significant meaning, I think by now everybody knows it and is found on the United States one dollar bill.

All Seeing Eye on Pyramid

At the bottom of the pyramid we can see the Letters MDCCLXXVI , which are the Roman numerals equivalent to 1776, which many believe are there to commemorate the independence of the United States but instead, it is there because this was the year that the Plan of the Illuminati for a New World Order would be set in motion on the “New World” called America.

Number of the Beast

Something particular about this number at the bottom of the pyramid is that if you separate the letters in three groups setting the first letter of each group at the top of the pyramid we get the number or letters DCLXVI at the bottom of the pyramid which is equivalent to 666.

500+100+50+10+5+1= 666[/caption]

500+100+50+10+5+1= 666

Another instance in which we can find how these people have encoded the number 666 or at least suggest it for the subconscious mind, is in every single barcode of every product you buy on the daily basis. The number 6 is represented by two thin lines in all Bar-codes.

In every Bar-code there are two bars that go all the way down in the beginning, two in the middle and two at the end, which could be said to be a way to put the number 666 without people knowing it, since these are the only lines on barcodes that don’t have a numbers below them.

Revelation 13:18

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Mark of the Beast

One verse before the past Scripture is where the Mark of the Beast is mentioned, which contains the number 666.

Revelation 13:17

17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

It is part of many system beliefs, that this mark of the beast will be a Tattoo, even taking it as far as believing that it may be a tattooed bar-code, which as we saw, could be said to contain an encrypted 666. This came to be as the only interpretation for such a statement found in the Book of Revelations, during a time of a very few technological advances, therefore the only way for a person to imagine this Mark, would have been as a tattooed bar-code making you nothing more than a product. Although it is very close to the truth, it would be pretty obvious for most people who would not get it, just because it would be clearly a  mark having the 666 on it, which by now must people know to be the number of the Beast. Actually the real Mark of the Beast its even creepier, since people wont see this one coming, cause the Illuminati is bringing it to the people from every angle possible, this will make the people want it, because of it’s many features, not realizing what it really is mostly because of it being virtually invisible, almost the size of a grain of rice.

Mark of the Beast

The Mark of the Beast is this tiny chip that will contain all your medical history, bank accounts and a GPS among other features. It  is easily implanted in people with a regular needle in a matter of seconds, just like any other shot you may get at the doctor.

Chip by Needle
Chip by Needle

Many people have already gotten the chip, some to be able to be located by satellite, in case of a kidnapping, others to be able to pay for their drink s at clubs by the swipe of the palm of the hand.

Implated in Right Hand

While the scientist were working on the chip, they made several tests to try and figure out what part of the body would be better for the implantation of the chip taking in account the use that it would get as well as for the lithium battery. They came up with the conclusion that the hand or the head would be the best place to put the chip because of the thinness of the skin and the many veins that would go around, keeping it continually charged, lastly they decided on the right hand to facilitate the use of it, taking in account the fact that most people are right-handed and as we should expect, this is also prophesied in Scriptures.

Revelation 13:16

He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,

Unless you have this chip, eventually you wont be able to buy or sell anything as the Bible tells us. If you end up not get it, they will begin labeling you of terrorist calming you must have something to hide or otherwise you would cooperate with the system to bring order, the order out of the chaos that they want, a New World Order out of all the fear they have introduce in the hearts of the people of the world, fear of being broke, fear of being robbed, fear of being kidnapped etc.

Doctors studying the chip realized that if the lithium battery was to spill inside the body of the person or even malfunction, this would create very “painful sores”. This is also something that is bound to happen according to the Bible during the first Bowl of Judgment.

Revelation 16:2

And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.

Another reason given to people for the use of this chip is medical situations, in case of an accident and losing consciousness, the doctors or nurses providing you with help could just scan the chip to receive all your information so that in this way they know if you have any previous problems, allergies to any drugs, if you have diabetes, etc, without you having to be awake to inform them.

One of the first companies offering the chip for this use is called VeriChip.

Verichip Logo

When seeing this logo, I couldn’t help noticing the resemblance of the of it to the eye of a snake, which should raise some eyebrows first because of the fact that everybody knows who the Serpent in Scriptures and also because the image of a single Eye, is a symbol that Illuminati is known for using quite a bit.

Here’s an image of a snake to show you what Im saying:

Eye of a Snake

All Seeing Eye

There are many ways in which the Illuminati subliminally gives messages to the masses and also reveal their plans and following steps among their pears all over the world through the Media and Entertainment industry which they so obviously control, without being noticed by those people who are in ignorance of their symbols and the meaning of these.

One symbol which they use the most, is the “All seeing eye” or the “Eye of Horus”(One World Government) in Egyptian religion, which is the one eye at the top of the pyramid on the One Dollar Bill and is the eye of Lucifer, their god which enlightens them.


Next is one of the first designs proposed to be the Confederate Flag of the United States, displaying very clearly the Eye of Horus, the False-Messiah(Antichrist) watching over the United States ever since it’s foundation, given the fact that George Washington Himself was a Freemason.

USA Proposed Flag

Illuminati Symbolism Infiltrated

The Logo of the U.S. Information Awareness Office doesn’t stay behind with the symbolism, involving this time the whole planet earth under its watch, according to some sources, it was designed by Bill Cleere, a 33rd degree Freemason.Awareness Office”]Information Awareness Office

The sign for Radioactivity means world control for the Illuminati, the world of course being the circle surrounded by the power or control of the “Unholy trinity”.Radioactivity

The Secret Service of Britain shows the eye at the top of the pyramid also.

Britain Intelligence M15

Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.)

Order of the Temple of the East or the Order of Oriental Templars

Ordo Templi Oirientis

It was the first organization to accept the law of “Thelema”, which states “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law”, established in 1904 in Cairo Egypt, when Aleister Crowley wrote The Book of the Law, he claimed that the author was an entity named Aiwass, whom he later referred to as his personal Holy Guardian Angel (or “Higher Self”).

Aleister Crowley drew a picture of his supposed guardian angel and it happens to resemble a bit too much to what we now know as a Gray, a certain type of Alien race or may I say a certain type of fallen Angel.


Similar to many secret societies, the O.T.O.‘s membership is based on an initiatory system with a series of degree ceremonies that use ritual drama to establish fraternal bonds and impart spiritual and philosophical teachings.

Other than the Eye of Horus and the Pyramid being part of the emblem of the OTO there is also an inverted dove which symbolizes destruction. This same dove symbol is found in the logo for the Trinity Broadcoasting Network (TBN), in between a White horse and a lion, resembling very much the coat of arms of Prince Charles.


Prince Charles’ Coat of Arms

Here is the Coat of Arms of Prince Charles of Wales, which has many details found also in the book of Revelations which makes many people think that he may be the Antichrist.

Prince Charles Coeat of Arms
Prince Charles Coat of Arms

Revelation 13:2

2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

This verse of the Bible describes very precisely the creature on the left side of the coat of arms, since in this type of illustrations of heraldry, a lion is supposed to have 3 claws while a bear has 4. Also, the torso of the animal seems to be a bit too skinny for a lion, looking more like that of a leopard, however the head, or in the case of the scripture, the mouth, is that of a lion.

Next to this characteristics, there is also the fact that when Charles was receiving his power as Prince of Wales, the ceremony was done right infront of a Dragon located in London and during the ritual it was said to him that he was receiving that power from the Dragon.

Revelation 12:3

3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.

Here is a verse speaking once again of the dragon, a red dragon, which can be found on the lower right side of the image as well as the ten different horns and ten different crowns all around the Coat of Arms.

Revelation 6:2

2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

Like I have stated before in the Article tittled “The Seven Seals” this horse described in the verse, is believe by some to be a reflection of the Messiah’s second coming and to others, the coming of the Antichrist apearing to be pure and just, therefore the white, which is the case in this instance in which the white horse has a chain attaching it to the Red dragon at the bottom as well as a horn coming out of its head, the eyes of a man and a big open mouth as of speaking great things, which are all also found in the book of Daniel when talking of the Antichrist.

Daniel 8:9

9 And out of one of them came forth a little horn, which waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land.

Daniel 7:8

8 I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.

To finnish with the Coat of Arms of Prince Charles, we have right in the middle of it, the image of four different creatures all different from one another like the Book of Revelations states.

Daniel 7:3

3 And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse one from another.

Prince Charles' Antichrist Coat of Arms

Illuminati’s Control

It is a fact that the Illuminati has taken over the world already whether people want to accept it or no, they control what you hear, what you see and even what you eat and drink, they are all over and they have made it known to us, by having their symbols on display for us to see, since they say that the best place to hide something is in plain sight.

Check out the Song Illuminati by Spiracy and Sirius, explaining Illuminati’s role in the world below…

Watch the Video at


Source by SIRIUS The Dogg Star