Today there are a variety of selections for people who may want to buy two or three wheel scooters. It makes a lot of sense to consider purchasing a new or used scooter today because these can provide you with very reliable transportation and the maintenance cost is quite low. New three wheel scooters are modest in cost, and if you choose to buy a used one, you can end up with a nice little bargain. For many people who are looking for fun and low cost transportation these vehicles are excellent choices. The three wheel scooters provide a larger and more secure feel for some who are wary of the sporty two wheel models. The term moped and scooter have become interchangeable for most individuals who are describing these small, convenient machines. For the true purist a moped is the name that they prefer, although this name is usually reserved for certain makers like Tomos mopeds and Garelli mopeds. These moped styles became extremely popular in the 70s and 80s.
Although you can most certainly find new mopeds on the market today, you can find a used moped for under $100 in some cities. With the purchase of second hand three wheel scooters or any used moped, the most important thing to ascertain is if the engine is still in good shape. You can check the motor for yourself or have a mechanic look at it for you. Having a good motor should be a prime consideration when you are looking at a possible purchase. Replacing or repairing a motor is not as costly with mopeds, but it can still add more expense than you may be expecting to pay. If you are very handy and have a little knowledge of machinery, you can do the work yourself for very little money. It is very common for many of the older used mopeds and scooters to have weak batteries, broken turn lights and worn out light bulbs. These repairs are quick and easy to do and they won’t cost you a lot of money either. Even repairing some paint or replacing a seat can be done without breaking the bank. You can pick up used parts very cheaply by going to auto salvage yards and using these for replacements on a used moped.
Dealers will have a selection of mopeds in both new and used condition. Three wheel scooters will be found on the secondary market only in varying degrees of used condition. One of the big reasons people choose transportation of this type is for the fun of riding. All you have to do is strap on a helmet and off you go. There is also the gas mileage to take into consideration. Scooters and many used mopeds should average well over 40 miles mpg. Gas mileage varies and with a Tomos moped, 50-70 mpg is the standard. With these engines, a little gas truly goes a long way. You should remember that, while a used moped can be licensed and registered for in town driving, three wheel scooters need to be driven in off road situations only.