Your Personal Guide to Whiplash Accident Claims


Whiplash accident claims are not uncommon in UK but quite a few of these claims are rejected due to small mistakes made by the claimant. This article will elaborate on some facts that will help you file a successful whiplash accident claim.

Whiplash injuries are considered as a serious injury since they can affect the ability of a person to function normally. Since whiplash injuries can cause permanent damage in certain cases, claimants are allowed to file for whiplash compensation if they can prove that they have been injured. To prove an injury the claimant will need to get his injuries checked so there is an official record of personal injury. Medical papers and doctor’s notes will act as proof of the personal injury where as the payment receipts and payment bills will act as proof of financial loss. Claimants should remember that if they want whiplash compensation then they will have to get even minor injuries checked and that they should not ignore subtle symptoms like a stiff neck or mild pains. Claimants should be aware that at times a whiplash injury may take a few days or weeks to fully develop hence it is important to keep in touch with a doctor immediately if symptoms like neck pain or back pain are noticed.

If the whiplash accident has occurred on the road then the claimant will have to report the accident to the local law enforcement authorities so that an official police report can be filed. Claimants are always advised to find a witness at the scene of the road accident in case additional proof is needed. If the whiplash accident has occurred as a result of improper work conditions or a work related accident then the claimant will need to find a witness who is ready to testify in court about the accident. In all cases the claimant should remember that the witness should have been present at the time of the accident since any discrepancies between the witness’s and claimant’s statement can cause the claimant’s whiplash accident claim to be rejected.

Claimants are always advised to hire a no win no fee personal injury solicitor to help them with the claim. No win no fee personal injury solicitors not only give advice and guide claimants but they also represent claimants in the court of law. These legal professionals negotiate the compensation amount on behalf of the claimant, intervene when there is a problem and also do majority of the claim related work. No win no fee solicitors do not charge any legal fees, hence claimants do not have to worry about increasing claim related costs if they opt for legal help.  


Source by Sara Gray