Sept 6th, 2006 Ebos on the westcoast of Africa in Nigeria (that moved to Israel) were recognized by the chief rabbi in Israel after receiving a letter from the Ebo Rabbi Hiben Daniel on the behalf of his people. We at Yisrael Today believe that this is one of the most significate events to happen in the Israelite and Jewish community since the Falashas Jews of Ethiopia or the Cohenim of the South African Lemba. For the first time the Hebrew Israelite presence has been confirmed on the West Coast of Africa. At the time that the Hebrew community became aware of the Falashas in 1836 by Martin R. Delaney most Hebrews adopted the name Ethiopian as apart of their organization’s titles (although there were no direct connection between them and the Ethiopian community). Most Ethiopians would proudly tell you that only a small minority of them were taken into slavery. And most receively the Lemba have been proven to be descendants of the Cohenim through DNA. Nevertheless, there are history records among them which say that also only a small minority of them were taken into slavery. Yet, the Ebos in Nigeria, a country on the west coast of Africa, were the majority of Africans that were taken into slavery to the Americas beginning in the 1600’s. Historians show that the Egbo Society communicated by using a secret Igbo writing system known as that of Nsibidi. Nsibidi symbols were recently discovered to be engraved on a number of African-American tombstones in Virginia.
They also confirmed that most of the slaves brought to the Americas came from Nigeria hence the term “Niger” and later becoming a derogitory word. So in this confirmation of our brothers the Ebo, that consist most of the tribes of Gad, Zebulun and Issachar, is just a tip of the ‘ice burg’. Because in this confirmation it confirms the beliefs of many of the Hebrew Israelite communities in the United States that they were brought on slaveships from the west coast of Africa ,mainly Ghana and Nigeria (in the fulfilment of Bible prophecy). So what we have seen in our lifetime is a completed trail of black jews from Israel down to East Africa over to West Africa and into the slaveship bound for the Americas. For additional information on the Igbos visit Igbo Interest World Wide.
After the Chief Rabbi confirmed our Ebo brothers as the returned tribe of Ephraim. (Yisrael Today video available). The representative for the head rabbi, Ebo Rabbi Daniel, the representative of T.C.O.P Brother Keseed ben Israel and Y.O.U representative Captain Howshua Amariel came together for the first time. Captain Howshua Amariel confirmed with Rabbi Daniel the covenant made by Martin Robinson Delaney in 1836 with our Ebo brothers. His organization visited them in 1988 where they received a plaque of welcome from them for the purpose of repatriation. So here the director of the Y.O.U Chapter in Israel (Howshua Amariel) presented Rabbi Daniel with this plaque of brotherhood as a symbol of the covenant between them to corroborate together.
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Source by Yisrael Today News Team