Comparison between Toyota Corolla Gli and Toyota Belta,


The automobile brand TOYOTA was founded in the year 1937, but it was not until the mid 1960’s when Corolla started it’s production. The first Toyota Corolla Gli was manufactured in the year 1966 where as the first Toyota Belta was manufactured in 2006. Toyota has constantly been the leading auto mobile brand of the world beating the likes of Honda, Mercedes and BMW. In the last 45 years an estimated 32 million plus Toyota cars have been manufactured and sold all over the world. The main headquarters of TOYOTA is in Japan, Asia. The latest 2012 model of the Toyota Corolla Gli is the tenth generation of the Toyota Corolla Gli series where as the latest Toyota Belta is only the second generation of its kind. Toyota Belta is also called as Toyota ”Yaris” and Toyota ”Vios” in some countries. Toyota Belta is assembled in Japan whereas Toyota Corolla Gli is assembled in various parts of the world.

There has always been a stiff comparison between Toyota Corolla Gli and Toyota Belta, the latest Toyota Corolla  Gli comes with a 1.3 VVTI engine where as the Toyota Belta comes with an optional 1.0 VVTI and 1.3 VVTI, engines. Toyota Corolla Gli has manual transmission but  the Toyota Belta comes in with an option of  both manual and automatic transmissions. Toyota Corolla Gli is a 2 wheel drive where as the 1.3 VVTI Toyota Belta comes with both 2 wheel and 4 wheel drive. Both the Toyota Corolla Gli and Toyota Belta come with A.C, Heater, ABS brakes, Power Windows and Power lock. Both of the cars also come with adjustable head rest and centre console box. Both of the cars have a power steering.The pre-installed audio system in both the Toyota Corolla Gli and Toyota Belta is up to the mark with 4 good quality speakers installed in them.

The exterior design of Toyota Belta looks much better to the naked eye than the design of the Toyota Corolla Gli. The main market of Toyota Corolla Gli is in Asia meanwhile  Toyota Belta is mostly sold in North America. The re-sale value of the Toyota Corolla Gli is much better as compared to the Toyota Belta. Toyota Belta is much more compact in size as compared to the Toyota Corolla Gli. Basically Toyota Corolla Gli is considered  as a luxury car in the Corolla series because of its big size. Toyota Corolla Gli comes with a glossy plastic interior where as the Toyota Belta has a nice looking leather interior. The price of the Toyota Belta ranges from $19500-$23500 where as the price of Toyota Corolla Gli ranges from $17500-$19500. Both the cars comes in a wide range of colors like black, metallic blue, white, glossy green and many more.

                          I personally think that Toyota Belta is a much better buy than the Toyota Corolla Gli. The compact size of Toyota Belta helps when you are stuck in heavy traffic. The new Toyota comes with a much powerful 1.6L engine and has a much smoother and better drive. Toyota Belta also comes in with 4 wheel drive technology which helps when driving in hilly areas. The Toyota Belta is much much better looking as compared to the new Toyota Corolla Gli. All in all if a person has a choice between buying the Toyota Corolla Gli and Toyota belta he should definitely buy the Toyota Belta.


Source by Sparkles Sparklessoft