How to Make a Claim Following a Road Traffic Accident


 As soon as the accident takes place, you should make it a point to inform the insurance company about the accident. However, if you are unable to do so immediately, you can wait and make the notification when you are well enough to do it. However, the notification should be made to the company within twenty four hours of the accident and the claim should be made within the time period specified by the insurance policy. The cover provided by different kinds of insurances also varies and the features of one would be different from the other.

Note down all the important details related to the accident, because all accidents are unique and different from each other. You should also take an account of the scale on which damages were caused to the vehicle or property, and also any personal injuries.

The steps you have to perform in order to make a claim after a traffic accident are simple. It is important to consider if the damage is serious enough for you to file a claim. You shouldn’t call the company until you are sure there has been damage and you cannot afford to pay for it yourself. If you think you need to make a claim, then you should gather all the information so that you can provide it to the company to process your claim.

You can make a claim to your insurance company if you or the passengers have suffered any injuries, and also if the car or property has been damaged. Your claim can also include the recovery of any costs that you incurred because of the accident taking place like the taxi fare, medical bills etc.

You should ask your claims solicitor whether or not you would be getting full compensation. If yes, only then you should proceed with the claim, otherwise you should not make the claim. If the accident was the other driver’s fault, then you should make sure that you get fully compensated. You should not have to pay any fees for your claim to be processed, because the service is free from the insurer. If any of the passengers of your car are injured and have visited the doctor, they can also make a claim for injury.

You would be compensated only if the accident was fully or partially the other driver’s fault. If this was not so and the accident occurred due to some irresponsibility of your own, then you should not make the claim as you won’t be given any compensation. However, if the passengers are injured, they can make the claim and would be compensated whether the fault was yours or the other driver’s.

After you decide to make the claim, it would be processed and its validity would be checked. If the insurer thinks the claim is valid, then you would be compensated and any costs you have incurred would be recovered.


Source by David Halbert