Is Limu a Scam or Legit Opportunity? – Limu Review


I decided to investigate an opportunity called Limu due to the number of scams running online, this is what I found out…

Limu as a company is a health drink manufacturer. Its product is said to include important nutrients that could be found in seaweed extracts from Tonga. Fucodian is among those nutrients. It is said to bring about several health benefits including production of more energy, bolstering of the immune system, improving blood glucose levels, increasing gastrointestinal functions, lowering cholesterol, and facilitating better sleep.

A bottle of Limu currently costs around $50 each. A bottle is about 83% made of pure limu. There are other ingredients that are included. Many consumers are complaining about the difficulty in placing orders or buying one. Online purchasing would redirect anyone to two different Websites.

As a network marketing initiative, Limu promises immediate but long term wealth building. Its immediate income line involves ordering limu from the manufacturer and selling it directly with mark up profits. There are incentives to motivate members to recruit more prospective marketers. Just like any network marketing scheme, you would earn commissions for every recruit generated by your recruits. Earnings would accumulate the more the downline expands.

Wealth building measure has basic features typical of other marketing schemes. It offers a bonus for further leadership development and several other membership opportunities. Buy a starter kit to be able to get started. This starter kit is required as it contains several practical incentives. The cheapest kit is at $130. More expensive ones could get as costly as $720.

This seems to be a legit opportunity to pursue, but what is missing?

You need proper marketing knowledge to make this opportunity work. I can say  that I’ve wasted a lot of money on the WRONG information. I use to do home meetings, call leads, distribute brochures and even ask my family and friends to buy my products. These methods didn’t work.

Want the shortcut? Visit the link below for Limu recruiting secrets…


Source by Hassan Ajmal