Properly Insuring Your Farm Vehicles


Historically, vehicles strictly allocated for the farm could be classified as farm use vehicles and did not need to be insured. They were covered under the farm’s liability policy. The past few years have brought changes in a lot of state’s laws and now in many states, if farmers want their vehicles insured, they have to take out separate policies. Many states now require insurance to be purchased if the farm vehicle will be used on a public road at any time. These policies can be purchased online at low cost car insurance websites, on the phone, or in person at your agent’s office.

Farm-use vehicles are vehicles that are strictly used for running the farm. They can be driven for a certain amount of miles one way to reach other areas of a farm, to pick up grain or food, drop off produce, livestock or machinery for repair, and taken in for maintenance or service. Each state sets their own mileage limits. These limits vary greatly between states. No registration or license plate is required for farm-use vehicles and no fees are imposed.

F-tags can be bought at half price for a vehicle over 7500 lbs and is used for farm operations. F-tagged vehicles have less restrictions than farm-use vehicles. They can be utilized for taking the family to church, medical appointments or buying home supplies. The registration costs are usually only half the price of normal tags. Most states require insurance for F-tagged vehicles. This is a cost effective way to get the most out of your farm vehicle with minimal out of pocket expenses. Car insurance quotes and low car insurance rates are available for F-tagged cars and trucks.

Even though a state may not require insurance on farm-use vehicles, it is still a good idea to insure them. Farm vehicles are just as much as a hazard as passenger vehicles, and sometimes more so. Many farm vehicles have much higher values than passenger vehicles. A loss of one of these vehicles, without proper insurance to offset the cost of buying a new one, could be devastating to an agricultural business.

Projectiles from a farm-use truck bed or other agricultural vehicle can inadvertently do damage to other motorist’s cars. Your insurance will cover these damages. Impatient drivers can cause crashes that involve your mobile equipment. These people are in such a hurry that they don’t pay attention to what they are doing. They may not even be aware they caused a crash. Insurance covers these incidences also. Obtaining low rate car insurance is the responsible route. It will protect others and yourself in case of an unfortunate mishap. Online companies can assist you in buying the proper policy for your farm vehicle.


Source by Mary Duares