Smart Key System – The Smart Way to Drive


In earlier days, a car key was known as one of the simplest devices of any car. But now the time has changed with the advancement of technology. The keys used in present cars are no more as simple as the ones that were used in earlier cars. Former keys were generally made up of simple piece of stamped steel. In case, you lose your key, you just have to spend few bucks to get a duplicated key at your neighborhood hardware store.

Today, there are two newly established “smart key” systems in the market. One of them is of such a design that it attracts the young drivers very easily and turns them into safer and smart drivers. The other system carries your personal information which can be of more worth than your wallet. And yes, it is true that these intellectual keys start up your car.

First, let us talk about the “BMW smart key” –

The new smart key system of BMW enables the car keys to work not only for the inside of your car, but it also works as an essential resource when no one is driving the car. This system was made public by the company in Paris.

It so happened that some researchers from the Bavarian automaker, worked in collaboration with NXP Semiconductors which is a European technology company, and came up with the concept of a smart key that can be successfully used for innumerable daily actions, both in and out of the car. Firstly, it was able to unlock and ignite the car. Secondly, for the payment of tolls, it served as an automatic transponder. Thirdly, it can also be used for purchasing gasoline. Besides all this, it can also be used as a substitute for your credit card for clearing the bills at a restaurant or a grocery store.

It definitely proved to be the best alternative one can use, but it also has a major drawback. If you lose your key someday, you could be left high and dry far from home and perhaps without a credit card. And this can prove to be a big problem for anyone.

Now, let us come to “Ford’s MyKey system” –

MyKey looks very similar to the electromechanical key which is used by Ford for all of its products. It consists of a fob with a microprocessor based transceiver which acts as the central processing unit of the whole MyKey system. The fob can be used either to open the trunk or for keyless entry inside the car. But the whole MyKey system can rigorously bound the driving fantasies and privileges of which any teenage driver is fond of.

If you are using a car which is having the MyKey system installed in it, in place of a traditional Ford key, the car could not be driven at a speed greater than eighty miles per hour. In fact, the car will start chime rings at the instant it hits 45, then 55, and then 65 miles per hour. In addition to all this, the car warns about low fuel at 75 miles rather than 50 miles.


Source by Thomas Winn