What is a title 42 in Oklahoma? That is a good question, sounds like french if you do not know what a title 42 is. This is a process that can be filed to get a title on any vehicle such as car, truck, motorcycle, van, rv, boat, trailer, semi, mobil home.
This is a service that I will be happy to help you with. my office is at www.needatitleokc.com
Auto repair shops have the right to put a mechanics lien on a vehicle they have worked on if the customer will not pay the bill. The shop can make out the work order and call me and I can file for the lien and have the vehicle in the shops name in about 4 weeks. Also this will bring attention to the owner and if they do not want to lose the vehicle they will come and pay for it. In return if the customer does not want to come and pay for it the shop will have the title to sell the vehicle and get their money out of the vehicle that they have into it.
You will need a work order with the date the car came in, the persons name, address,work done on car and total. Notices are to be sent no later than 60 days after the work has been done. It is also very important that you have on your work orders the customers signature about storage fees. Fees will start when vehicle is sitting taking up space when work cannot be accomplished and as soon as work is done.
Be prompt with your business. When arrangements cannot be made for payment notices need to be sent so the customer know you are about business. You have done your part and now it is time for them to do your part. In this day and age you cannot afford to have your money tied up in a vehicle not being productive. This will get action to either get the money or get the title and sell the vehicle.
There is also a storage lien which will be in the next article or is covered at my office at www.needatitleokc.com
Source by Carolyn Cecil