Why You Shouldn't Talk To The Other Driver's Insurance Agent That Calls You About Your San Bernardino Car Accident


If you have recently had the back luck to be involved in a San Bernardino car accident, then you may have received a call from the other person’s insurance company. If you haven’t received one yet, then chances are that they will be calling you soon. According to San Bernardino car accident attorney Emery Ledger of Ledger & Associates, you should never speak to the other driver’s insurance company without legal representation. It may seem harmless enough. You may even think that it will help move your case along. The insurance agent sounds like they just want to help you. The call may go something like this:

Insurance agent: “Hello Mr. Jones. I understand that you were recently in a car accident with one of our insureds. We have already talked to him and he gave us his version of events. It sounds as those he was at fault, but we just want to get your version of events as well so that we can process your claim. Would you mind giving us a recorded statement?”

You may think, understandably, that they are trying to help you. You may feel that the accident was clearly the other driver’s fault and that you can’t hurt yourself by giving your version of events. The problem is, according to San Bernardino car accident attorney Emery Ledger of Ledger & Associates, that anything you say can be used to attribute some or all of the negligence (a legal term for fault) to you. A simple statement about how fast you were driving, or what you were doing at the time can be turned against you and used to show partially negligence on your part. It may be that you had not fault at all in the accident, or that your fault was very minor, but remember that it is the job of the insurance company to limit their liability for all accidents. They have been trained to try and minimize their financial exposure in an accident and if there is a possibility that you had some of the blame for the accident then they are going to explore that option. In the end, your statement may actually delay a settlement in your San Bernardino car accident case – not speed it up.

It is always wise to consult with an experienced San Bernardino car accident attorney before you agree to talk to the other driver’s insurance company, says San Bernardino car accident attorney Emery Ledger of Ledger & Associates. You are not obligated to talk to the insurance agent at all…and certainly not required to do so before you have obtained legal representation. If you elect to hire a San Bernardino car accident attorney, then your attorney will become your voice and will speak directly to the insurance company on your behalf. You and your attorney will decide whether it is in your best interest to give a statement regarding your car accident case or not.

If you have been in a San Bernardino car accident and feel that the accident was not your fault, you may be entitled to receive compensation for any injuries that you suffered. To receive a free and confidential detailed evaluation of your San Bernardino car accident case, contact Emery Ledger of Ledger & Associates. Attorney Ledger has over twelve years of car accident case experience. He can be reached at 1-800-300-0001 or visit him online at www.ledgerlaw.com.


Source by Mae Sta. Maria