Aries sign car compatibility
The speed junkie of the zodiac, Aries, would only choose cars capable of high speeds and very maneuverable so they can bang their heads faster into different life situations(in this case the front of the car), as many times as possible per time unit. He needs no passengers, always rides alone and goes alone everywhere.
The interior of the Aries’ car is made of leather (from ram or sheep skin). The car has only one window, in front of the car, because he has no time to look around, that’s why rear view mirrors aren’t necessary also. The aerodynamic shape allows them to get ahead of others and get anywhere before others do and when they get there, again get ahead quickly towards the new destination.
As it can be seen, the wheel which gives the direction is very small, because the direction where a native born in the Aries sign is heading is a minor detail as long as it’s charging with a high speed towards it. The only downside (or maybe its really an advantage, it’s still in research) is the small tank, that makes the car use up allĀ the fuel in the few meters.
Taurus sign car compatibility
The vehicle a Taurus rides with (if he manages to get himself started) is always very valuable and represents the security of traveling on any terrain. It is reinforced to resist all contact with anything and everything that stands in his way, any barriers are pushed away with ease in front of him until he gets to the destination.
The rear storage space is perfectly usable for any type of food, be it cooked, or cold.
The seats are comfortable, wide, you can sink, relaxed in them, and the suspensions are designed so there would be no bumps that would bother the pleasant cruise, the movement is slow and linear, not to stir the food in the back.
The board comes with a tray, a support for three types of drinks, an oven for heating the food and a mini-fridge to keep things cold… as well, in the driver’s side door there is a mini-safe for things that are really important for the Taurus, money and the property certificates of the various assets he owns.
The car has an autopilot made especially for the Taurus; once he reaches cruising speed (which is very slow, not to disturb the pleasant comfort of the passengers) the autopilot kicks in and never stops until he gets to his destination. This autopilot disables the brake, the steering wheel, and anything else that might change the direction or that might vehicle bring the vehicle to a stop.
Gemini sign car compatibility
The natives born in the Gemini sign don’t need much to be happy. A little car, that has two seats for the two and a trunk to fit the toys (ball, surfboard, diving googgles) is enough, and for other fun thins like cross words and other fun magazines have some kind of a special place between the seats.
The car isn’t big, as you can see, so is the tank, because for the Gemini, the distance isn’t as important as the coated surface is.
The car is equipped with universal support for all types of phones and the extra GSM antenna mounted on the roof ensures the stability of the signal in any conditions for a continuous communication, uninterrupted by anyone and anything.
The navigation system is interactive, beside the road directions, you can talk with it on multiple subjects, it being able to indicate all types of information about the route, and if this information is missing from the database, it mixes up the rest and plays them randomly, not to interrupt the conversation.
The two laptop stands on the board and the two from the back seat, secure an internet connection as well as cable TV.
The onboard computer, is configured in a special way for the Gemini, it disconnects all communications systems for a few seconds, so that the driver can also pay attention to the road.
Cancer sign car compatibility
Even if it is not new, the car of the Cancer sign is fitted with all the safety of his native home. He never leaves without initially moving all things in the car, along with his mother and family.
The motto of the car is: “It doesn’t matter how many we are as long as it’s intimate”.
The intelligent system of the car verifies every time before starting or stopping if all the family members are in the car, their weight, so that the Cancer can determine weather they ate or not, and the volume to determine the thickness of the clothes. The report is automatically displayed in front of the Cancer driver, for him to make sure that everyone is well fed and well dressed before any other action to take place.
The car can also be used for traveling in the past, if not otherwise, at least through the pictures of the parents and their children with which the car is full of, with pictures from everywhere they have been and where our Cancer has memories from (at least from the stories he heard, because he hasn’t moved too much out of the house).
The navigation system is specialized for the Cancer sign. This system, instead of the well known “at the next intersection, turn right”, it will say “at the intersection that you just missed, you should have turned right”. He marks down and stores all the routes, and every time he comes back on the same route, instead of giving directions, he says: “I’ve been here, remember?”, to bring back the emotional charge from which our Cancer remembers the route.
Leo sign car compatibility
Evidently Leo’s car goes with matching accessories, such as a private jet.
The car comes from the factory equipped with a driver, butler and a personal body-guard, them being included in the price of the car and being available for the Leo at any hour. Although they are trained about their duties to perfection, they’re waiting with their eyes wide open the orders and instructions of the Leo, as if they would know nothing, assuring the Leo’s emotional wellbeing.
The navigation system has incorporated several thousand expressions of politeness, courtesy, and the flattery in order to satisfy the need for importance of any native, no matter how off the charts are his needs in this area. The expression “at the next intersection, turn right” is replaced with expressions of this kind: “if you as well wish for this, you humble road adviser, advises you to turn right at the next intersection”, these indications being repeated just once, with a lot of caution.
The luxury of the car interior is crowned by the life-size picture of the Leo, in all his glamour, the auto-unrolling red carpet, the spotlights and the recordings with applauses and ovations bring certain grandeur at the arrival, whatever the destination may be.
Virgo sign car compatibility
After the Virgo tried to understand the way the first car works and to reorganize more efficiently and more logically the car’s components, he purchased a new car.
In the first place, this car assures that the route, on which the Virgo is going to drive upon, is clean, disinfected and hygienic. Obviously, the first condition for safe travel on the roads is their cleanliness.
The rear tank is divided in three parts. One part containing water to wash the roadway really well. The second is equipped with side taps for everyone to be able to take as much liquid soap as needed. The third part contains fragrant water from a lily, to give the car the smell the Virgo likes. On the sides of the car, there is a box with wet wipes, also for everybody.
The car has incorporated a special mechanism for thoroughly cleaning the soles of the shoes before getting in and also after getting inside, an automated disinfecting spraying system so we won’t bring any germs inside the vehicle.
The navigation system completely lacks the voices telling the Virgo things about the route, when it’s clear enough that the Virgo knows better. For these reasons, when there is the need to change the direction, the system spreads dust and dirt in the right direction, causing the Virgo driver to redirect immediately towards the dirt, reaching the destination without the need of any indications and with total satisfaction, at least for the Virgo.
Scorpio sign car compatibility
Depending on its state at the moment, the Scorpio chooses one of the two cars he or she has…
The first car meets Scorpio’s needs to experiment the dark side of its own being. For this, he needs to retire in the coffin in the trunk of the car, so living the experience of death, experience that he makes sure everybody will know about whether they want it or not. The masochistic tendencies are fully fulfilled by the bed (from the coffin) and the chair full of pins with which this car is equipped.
The other car is fully equipped, like the bedroom of the Scorpio. It has things ranging from vibrators and other kinky erotic toys, to handcuffs and leather whips. The rear seat can be transformed at the touch of a button in a comfortable bed, and the tinted windows assure complete concealment from the rest of the world, for the activities of the Scorpio. The seats are fitted with a high intensity vibration system, and for other more extreme moments with nail cushions if the journey might get to comfortable or smooth.
The navigation system knows all the hidden streets in the map, and always chooses the less circulated or illuminated roads. It has a sensual voice, and it tells us we’re there with high intensity pleasure moaning. The good direction is indicated with deep sighs, and if a change of direction is needed, directions like “a little to the left” or “just a bit to the right”, and “oooh God, it’s great, don’t stop”, help the Scorpio get fully satisfied reaching new heights.
Stay tuned, and if you have unanswered questions, decisions that you need to make or want to know yourself or your loved ones better, we will aid you with an open heart in finding the right answers for you, with your own personalized, full astrology reading, done with a sincere desire to enlighten and enrich your heart and soul, by our astrologer.
Sagittarius sign car compatibility
The Sagittarius’ car is designed to teach people what law and order means. Its got a speaker for everyone to hear the spiritual truths that everybody should follow, and of course, the car has to have the privilege not to be subject to any rules or constraints.
The interior is equipped with all the coercion methods that a man can thing of (from the inqusition’s torture methods to the modern handcuffs and baton), in order for the Sagittarius to ensure compliance with the laws that he considers important. Like any fanatic, he’s got all the legislation in the trunk so he can show people that he is right and to be able to prove that he is right in any field.
The navigation system has no voice, no display also, because the Sagittarius listens to no one and to nothing, but it has the posibility to be programed to show others the road in the case that someone should argue with the Sagittarius about this.
Capricorn sign car compatibility
I have to say that being born in the Capricorn sign, I laughed at myself more than a bit, because Zoltan had presented our uniquely strange things as Capricorns in a very funny and playful manner, making me feel proud to be born in this sign of the zodiac. I hope you will enjoy the article as much as I did! š
The car owned by the Capricorn sign must be simple, useful and must not use up any fuel. Instead of consuming fuel he or she would rather have a smaller car or, even more, a car that can be pushed somehow like the Flintstones car.
The Capricorn’s car has no features. The seats are made of wood, the space is small, everything is optimized for an efficient and sober driving without any decorative elements or other shiny stuff to distract the attention from the responsability of driving a vehicle.
The only features permited are: a support for the schedule notebook, three watches and for the business business cards, that’s all. In the trunk we can only find the elements that are strictly necessary for survival: knife, flashlight, scissors, gas lamp, hammer, patent, rope, screws, compass, keychain with can and bottle openers, wrench, scraper, rubber gaskets and other essential supplies that he/she never knows when they might come in handy, weather for him/her, or for others, right?
The navigation system always chooses the most efficient route from all points fo view and it also has the option of finding an even more efficient route, more efficient than the most efficient.
You know how Capricorns search for more efficient way of doing everything? I have found astrology to be most efficient in getting to know myself better, through theĀ astrology chart reading Zoltan did for me, being inspired to talk to me in a way I can understand, shining a bright light on my dark thoughts.
I still listen to his consultations, and for me, they are like a book, every time I listen to them, I find out something new about myself, I’m finding a new understanding and gain more self confidence in who I really am, in spite of all theĀ mistĀ andĀ illusions.
Aquarius sign car compatibility
The car the Aquarius signs drive are of all kinds, but they all have one thing in common… they are different from the cars of the others and it must be able to accommodate as many friends and people close to their hearts. The Aquarius sign, will never be disturbed that the tracks were designed for someone else, he is free enough to travel wherever he want, with whomever he wants and on whoever’s tracks he wants.
The car runs on alternative energy sources, from wind and solar energy, to simple gravity, and anything and everything in between… it is spacious and offers everyone the possibility to get in and get out without asking for the Aquarius driver’s permission or without the permission of others, and mostly, it should not ask the Aquarius by mistake “where are you going?”.
The navigation system chooses the route randomly and it modifies it several times during a journey with spontaneous and relaxed interventions like: “at the next intersection turn to a random direction” or “”ha-ha-ha, who would have thought, we’re lost”.
Pisces sign car compatibility
Speachless… almost…
The Pisces sign car was built to help people. As many and in as many different ways as it can be. If someone needs help with transportation, the Pisces jump in his aid with their car, if someone needs some shade, the Pisces jump in his aid with their car, if someone needs anything else, the Pisces… will do everything in their power to get take them with the car where can find help.
They usually have no place in the car, letting others get in that need the car, walking beside the car listening to the angelic choir represented by the voice of the navigation system: “Lord please help us get there well”, “what will happen if we don’t get there?”, “do I deserve to get there?” and other precious indications like these, about the destination.
Stay tuned, and if you have unanswered questions, decisions that you need to make or want to know yourself or your loved ones better, we will aid you with an open heart in finding the right answers for you, with your own personalized, spiritual astrology reading, done with a sincere desire to enlighten and enrich your heart and soul, by our astrologer.
Source by Veres Zoltan